Podcast | Student Housing on a Community College Campus

Today we’re doing something a little different… Instead of an individual interview, we have a panel of senior leaders from Lake Michigan College in Benton Harbor, Michigan. The individuals participating are: Bob Harrison, President Kelly Hahn, CFO Dr. Clinton Gabbert, VP of Student Services Anne Erdman, VP for Administration This team has been working together on…

Join the Conversation Episode 11 – Interview with Cyndi Rapier

In this episode, we interviewed Director of Housing for International Programs at Green River Community College, Cyndi Rapier.  Cyndi has worked at Green River for 14 years, and has responsibility for a wide variety of issues relating to the International program or “IP.” As an active member of the IP Marketing Team, Enrollment Management Team, and…

Stupid Resident Tricks: Our students are playing some dangerous “games”

I’m not sure whether the cause is boredom, curiosity, the need for a thrill, a natural desire to push boundaries, or just plain old-fashioned peer pressure, but the number of incident reports coming across my desk lately that chronicle really poor choices by residents has risen significantly over the past couple of years. If you’re…

Inside MassArt’s New Residence Hall

Interesting elements in the new residence hall at MassArt. Great example of an institution that is “getting it right” in regards to offerings to their students. What remarkable features have you incorporated (or seen at other campuses) in your residence halls?

Student Housing through an International and Technological Lens

In student housing, many things clamor for our attention day in and day out. Sometimes it is something small, while other times it’s more challenging like working with a student/parent on a concern or tackling increasing retention on campus. Though it often feels like trying to juggle about a dozen balls at once, there are…

ACE Fellows Program

Not long ago I had the good fortune to participate in the Closing Retreat of the ACE Fellows Program. If you are not familiar with the ACE Fellows Program I encourage you to visit their web site and learn more about this outstanding learning opportunity.  The ACE Fellows Program prepares emerging leaders to serve American colleges…