
LaToya Eff, highlighted this month in The Galliance, is an Assistant Director of Operations for COCM. COCM is proud of her passion and accomplishments displayed toward Women’s Empowerment issues.
I was excited when I read the article highlighting our Assistant Director, LaToya Eff. LaToya and I have worked together on a variety of committees: annual COCM meeting, employee wellness, Women’s Initiative and most meaningful, COCM Mentorship program. I had the privilege of working with LaToya for a year while preparing to open Nine East 33rd at John Hopkins University too.
I attended the Women’s Leadership Institute (WLI) in 2011, 2013 and 2014. It was an excellent opportunity to not only learn and connect with others in student affairs but roles across campus. I am very proud that almost twenty COCM employees have attended the Institute in six years. It’s been awesome to watch WLI attendees implement strategies learned. I know the experience and application of knowledge has led people to be promoted and requested for projects. More importantly, I have witnessed my colleagues recognize the potential in their peers and encourage them to shine. Their actions of being experts in their field and encouraging others is an example of how COCM has talented student housing professionals on their team – serving students and one another.
Like LaToya said, “be the change you’re seeking – and actively seek out what you’re missing!”
Tara Wilkinson
Vice President of Administration
Tara has been employed at COCM since 2004. Her primary responsibility is working with campus partners who are opening new residence halls. In addition, she has coordinated employee retention efforts by implementing a variety of programs: professional development fund, COCM Wellness Groups and the Women’s Initiative.