Playing to Your Strengths and Overcoming Adversity

President, Karen Whitney, spoke with us on adversity, utilizing your strengths, and the role of student housing on a university campus. A fascinating interview, Dr. Whitney tells interesting stories and gives practical advice to student affairs professionals everywhere. Since assuming the presidency, Dr. Whitney has led the university to articulate a mission to provide transformative, lifelong…

The Importance of Effective Storytelling in Communication

When speaking in public forums there is no better way to illustrate a point than to tell a story. Dr. Nick Morgan spoke with us on the importance of effective storytelling when communicating. Dr. Morgan is one of America’s top communication theorists and coaches. A passionate teacher, he is committed to helping people find clarity in…

How Decreasing Government Funding is Changing Higher Education

In a time where so many federal issues are clamoring for more and more funding, higher education’s piece of the pie is getting smaller and smaller. Marshall University President, Stephen Kopp spoke with us about the issue of decreasing government funding for higher education institutions and how they’ll likely have to deal with it in…

Part 1 – The State of On-Campus Housing: Utilizing Student Housing for Recruiting, Retention & Enrollment Management

This past November, Student Housing Business brought together leaders from higher education, as well as the student housing industry, for the inaugural InterFace Student Housing Conference in Orlando. A wide variety of topics salient to student housing were discussed -from Finance to Architectural Design Trends to Residence Hall Renovations and Technology. In case you weren’t able to…

Developing Leaders in Student Affairs – Interview with Kim Moistner-Bartlett

You can listen to audio version of the podcast above (or via iTunes), or you can view the video version below. Kim Moistner-Bartlett sat down with us and talked about developing leaders and leadership skills in the higher education world. Kim is an individual who is passionate about developing leadership in higher education, and specifically in student affairs and…

Recognizing the “Click Moment” – Interview with Frans Johansson

In this interview, we spoke with Frans Johansson. An author, entrepreneur, and consultant, Frans has spoken to audiences around the world, from the boardroom of large corporations to villages in developing countries.  We spoke with him about his most recent book, (“The Click Moment”) as he shared some thoughts and ideas with us on how people working…

Join the Conversation Episode 20 – Interview with Steve Waller

The topic of service and therapy animals in on-campus housing is a hot right now. So we had one of the leading voices in this arena join us for an interview.  Steve Waller is the director of residential life at Louisiana State University. He is actively involved in ACUHO-I and currently serves as chair of the public…

Join the Conversation Episode 19 – Interview with Nadia Zhiri

In this interview we spoke with Nadia Zhiri, a principal with Treanor Architects, a firm specializing in architecture, planning, interior design, historic preservation and graphic design. Treanor’s portfolio and experience includes work on 175 student life projects at 75 campuses, encompassing over 20,000 beds in residence halls or Greek houses. Nadia talked to us about an…

Join the Conversation Episode 18 – Interview with Jay Morley

In this episode, we interviewed Jay Morley, the past president and CEO of the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO). Mr. Morley retired from NACUBO in August 2006, where he served as president and chief executive officer. At NACUBO, he spearheaded many efforts to remain in the forefront of the everchanging world of…

Join the Conversation Episode 16 – Interview with Jeff Selingo

In this interview, we spoke to Jeff Selingo, editor at large of The Chronicle of Higher Education, and a senior fellow at Education Sector, an independent think tank in Washington, D.C. Jeff is also the author of a book to be released on May 7th, entitled, College (Un)bound: The Future of Higher Education and What it Means…