Join the Conversation Episode 15 – Interview with Dr. Sue Henderson

Welcome to “Join the Conversation,” a podcast of the Student Housing Matters blog. Join the Conversation features interviews with higher education leaders about their institutions and careers in higher education, and their perspectives on the role on-campus student housing plays on a university campus. In this interview, we spoke with Dr. Sue Henderson, President of…

Burst Your Own Bubble Daily

A short blog article (Unpack Your Knapsack) from an Assistant Director for Residence Life at The Ohio State University, Aramis Watson, inspired me to go reinvest time each day to burst my own bubble. In the blog post, Watson was encouraged in a RA class to question her own biases and predisposition to see the…

Interview with TJ Logan

We interviewed TJ Logan on “forward-thinking” in the student affairs world. TJ is the Associate Director of Housing for Administrative Services at the University of Florida and is a leader in the world of student affairs innovation. Watch the video below, or listen to the audio through the media player at the top of this…

Upcoming Interview with NASPA President, Dr. Kevin Kruger

Tomorrow at 12:00 CST we will be talking to Dr. Kevin Kruger, President of NASPA, the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Join us for this live, dynamic discussion about the latest trends and news in student affairs.  This podcast is sure to get you excited for the NASPA Annual Conference which kicks off in…