Rebuilding the Reputation of a Struggling Site

Join the Conversation Podcast Rebuilding the Reputation of a Struggling Site – with Jeremy Steed ‘We came in humble and approachable, wanting to collaborate.’ How do you turn around a student housing site that has spiraled into decline? Where do you begin when all of the problems—occupancy, reputation and facility issues—are intertwined? How do you…

From RA to Operations Director – with Jeremy Steed

Join the Conversation From RA to Operations Director – with Jeremy Steed   Time management. Customer service. Conflict mediation. Critical thinking. Teamwork.   Whatever your motivation for becoming a resident assistant, the position allows you to hone a number of incredibly valuable skills that carry over to any career you might choose to pursue. And…

COCM: A Talent Agency of Student Housing Professionals

In this new series, “Questions to the President,” we are asking questions that dive deeper into COCM and its mission and values. We hope that as Doug Brown answers these questions, you learn more about who we are as a company and how we work to provide great services in our partnerships across the country.…

Going Above and Beyond for Students

Marshall University, one of COCM’s campus partners, planned a surprise for one of their students this past week at graduation. Claudia Lea, one of over 1700 students graduating, was taken aback when Marshall University’s president, Jerome Gilbert, announced that her father, Major Brett Lea, had recorded a video to share from Germany where he was…

Podcast | Interview with Dr. Lisa Guion Jones – ACE Fellow

 Dr. Lisa Guion Jones has an incredible back-story that makes her passionate about higher education and ensuring that students from all backgrounds have the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Dr. Jones has nearly 23 years of experience in the field of education. She has a unique blend of direct experience in leadership, teaching, research, and extension/engagement…

Figuring Out How Many Beds You Need Keeping You Awake at Night?

We’ve got an App for that!   Introducing the Student Housing Calculator.  About 10 years ago, COCM developed a proprietary tool called the Student Housing Calculator, to help take the mystery and confusion out of the planning process for a campus housing program.  It is a tool we have used to assist numerous institutions with their…

Gens X, Y, & Z and the “Academic Workplace”

  The Chronicle of Higher Education recently featured an article entitled “How Generations X, Y, and Z May Change the Academic Workplace.” College campuses are home to a variety of generations of students, faculty, and staff.  More senior faculty and staff may be a part of the Baby Boomer generation, characterized by hard work and grittiness.  Many…

Student Housing Coming to Terra State Community College

COCM is pleased to announce that it will become the management partner for Terra State Community College’s first on-campus housing, The Landings at Terra Village. Opening in Fall 2018, Terra State, located in Fremont, is one of the only community colleges in the state of Ohio to offer on-campus housing for students. Click here to read…

10-story Hamilton tower breaks ground at the Community College of Philadelphia

As housing on community college campuses continues become more and more frequent, The Radnor Group and the Community College of Philadelphia are continuing that trend.  Congratulations to the David Yeager and The Radnor Group on the ground-breaking for this project.  All the best for a successful project! Read more about the project here: 10-story Hamilton…

Grand Opening For New Student Housing At Glen Oaks Community College

So honored to serve Glen Oaks Community College as manager of this new, first-time housing for their students.  Excited to see how this new housing is going to enhance student success on the campus! Click here to read more! Grand Opening for GOCC Student Housing

Profile of American College Presidents

Every five years, the American Council on Education (ACE) conducts a survey among college presidents from all walks of life in higher ed: public/ private and two-year/ four-year institutions. According to ACE, the study “contains data on presidential demographics, search and selection processes, career trajectories, and the duties and responsibilities of college and university chief executive officers.…