Providing Remarkable Services

I am a big Seth Godin fan.  His blog is one of the few that I read faithfully every day.  It always has something insightful and/or thought-provoking about marketing and customer service that you can actually put to use. January 1st of 2012 marked a new chapter for the student housing professionals of Capstone On-Campus…

What We’re Reading Now

“As a management company focused on managing student housing for not for profit owners, assisting our Universities in helping to keep higher education affordable has taken center stage.  This resource “The Project on Student Debt” provides invaluable insight into how educational debt is shaping our present and the future.  A significant expense category in the…

Thinking About Move-Out

As housing professionals, this is the time of year when we need to be thinking about move out.  Our days and nights may instead be filled with end of the year awards ceremonies, good bye dinners and last minute reports.  But a little focus on move-out can make life easier over the next few weeks.…

Why On-Campus Student Housing Matters

Capstone On-Campus is excited about the unveiling of our new blog entitled, “Student Housing Matters.”  Our goal is to provide a forum for important matters related to on-campus student housing, as well as a place to provide thought leadership on why we believe (and are passionate about!) that quality on-campus student housing matters. Why do…