Student Affairs

Join the Conversation – Dr. Artie Travis Transcript

Host: Kyle Jones, Director of MarketingGuest: Dr. Artie L. Travis, Vice President for Student Affairs, Frostburg State University Kyle Jones:Hello, I’m Kyle Jones. Welcome to Join the Conversation, a podcast from COCM. Today’s guest is Dr. Artie L. Travis. He brings over four decades of experience in higher education leadership. As Vice President for Student…

Meeting People Where They Are – with Corey Reedy

2019 Excel Award winner Corey Reedy doesn’t do what he does for the recognition. He truly cares about the people he works with, and that inspires him to meet them where they are. Today on Student Housing Matters, Corey explains how he provides individualized support to the staff and students he manages at COCM.

Solving Complex Problems in Student Housing – with Kern Williams

LISTEN HERE: As you rise through the ranks of a career in student housing, you face more and more complex problems. Imagine, for example, taking on a site that has occupancy concerns, building issues AND staffing challenges. So, what do successful leaders do to avoid overwhelm and focus their energy on finding solutions? Kern Williams…

Top Channels for Communicating with Students – with Mellissa Taylor

During her tenure at COCM, Mellissa Taylor quickly became known among students as The Housing Lady. So, what did she learn as the face and voice of student housing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham? How have those lessons around communicating with students carried over to her current role in higher ed?Mellissa serves as…

21st Century Challenges Facing Higher Education – with Brian Mitchell

Join the Conversation Podcast 21st Century Challenges Facing Higher Education – with Brian Mitchell There is no doubt that institutions of higher learning face a number of challenges, not the least of which is an unsustainable financial model. Tuition, fees, room and board no longer pay the bills—despite sticker prices as high as $72K a…

From RA to Operations Director – with Jeremy Steed

Join the Conversation From RA to Operations Director – with Jeremy Steed   Time management. Customer service. Conflict mediation. Critical thinking. Teamwork.   Whatever your motivation for becoming a resident assistant, the position allows you to hone a number of incredibly valuable skills that carry over to any career you might choose to pursue. And…

Student Affairs and Exercise

Amy Lorenz is a COCM’s Director at Bowling Green State University. You may have caught her on a recent podcast (How I Got Into Student Housing-Amy Lorenz) on the blog.  Amy wrote a really great blog post about student affairs and fitness on her personal blog, and she was kind enough to let us re-post…

Making the Recruitment Process a Positive and Effective Experience

Recruitment is such an exciting time. We are given the opportunity to look at our team, see how we’ve grown, and find new members to bring into the fold. While recruitment has never been my primary job, I have always enjoyed the process. It can also be a stressful experience…student affairs professional recruitment tends to…