Perspectives on Strong Campus Housing Partnerships From Both Sides of the Table

In the most recent copy of the NACAS College Services magazine, we did an article highlighting differing perspectives on public-private partnerships for on-campus student housing.  It’s a panel discussion where we assembled  four student housing professionals, all of whom have worked for COCM and a university, to interview them about their experiences with campus housing…

COCM Student Housing Professional – Shelby Riddle

Earlier this month, COCM’s Merchant Card Services Coordinator, Shelby Riddle, was invited by Regions Bank to participate in a panel for their Commercial Card User Forum in Nashville, TN. Shelby discussed topics such as: Card management tips for organizations Best practices for misuse/fraud COCM’s overall commercial card program Efficient expense reporting and reconciliation processes COCM custom reporting…

Making the Most of a Summer Internship

As summer begins, so do thousands of internships across the country. Students who are eager and committed to gaining experience and strengthening their resumes, embark on jobs – some with compensation, some without – that will hopefully get them one step closer to a job or grad school upon completing their degree. An article in Fast…

“Can the middle class afford college?”

Jeff Selingo’s recent article in the Washington Post entitled “Can the middle class afford college?” brought to light, very sobering and disheartening facts for middle Americans striving to earn a higher education degree and balance the crucial financial component. An excerpt from the article, raises the point of the discussion by My. Selingo “as college prices continue…

Podcast | Getting Out of Debt and Staying Out

One of the biggest topics in higher education these days is student debt. And Timothy Evans has an incredible back-story that makes him passionate about getting out of, and staying out of, debt. And with where Tim works, he is in a unique position to speak into the lives of students staring down the possibility leaving…

“Skipping the College Tour”

A recent article in the New York Times advises families to “Skip the College Tour.”  Many students and their families count on the college tour to give them a feel for what campus is like, and some even say that the tour sealed the deal on their college choice. Experts in psychology and behavior economists…

Podcast | How I Got Into Student Housing – Jeff Kirkpatrick

In the continuation of this “How I Got Into Student Housing” series, COCM’s Jeff Kirkpatrick shares his story of how a dangerous situation propelled him into being an RA and eventually a full time student housing professional. If you’ve missed the previous episodes in this series, we’ve been talking to housing professionals to understand how they…

Student Housing Professionals Come Together

Each year, COCM holds an Annual Meeting, bringing together employees from around the country to the COCM home office in Birmingham, Alabama.  We enjoy the opportunity to connect with colleagues in person that we work daily, through the use of technology.  It is a concentrated time where professional development, networking, and personal growth are the…

7 Things College Students Should Know About Credit

This is a great article from MINT for helping students understand the implications of some of their decisions concerning credit during their college years. Farnoosh Torabi is America’s leading personal finance authority hooked on helping Americans live their richest, happiest lives. From her early days reporting for Money Magazine to now hosting a primetime series…

COCM Cares!

COCM celebrates a “Capstone Cares” week each year, where we unite as a company to give back to our local community. This year, employees from COCM’s home office and their family members, spent a day at Oliver Elementary School in Birmingham, Alabama helping with a variety of projects. Traffic flow “Lion Paws” were painted on…