Connecting with Prospective Students

Just in case you missed the essay written by Catherine Sloan for Inside Higher Ed, I am providing the link.  Ms. Sloan offers a perspective which applies not only to recruiting students to a campus, but serving them after enrollment.  Her words offer a clear reminder that we must never stop seeing through the eyes…

Inside MassArt’s New Residence Hall

Interesting elements in the new residence hall at MassArt. Great example of an institution that is “getting it right” in regards to offerings to their students. What remarkable features have you incorporated (or seen at other campuses) in your residence halls?

Student Housing through an International and Technological Lens

In student housing, many things clamor for our attention day in and day out. Sometimes it is something small, while other times it’s more challenging like working with a student/parent on a concern or tackling increasing retention on campus. Though it often feels like trying to juggle about a dozen balls at once, there are…

Are Student Residents Customers?

I recently read an article published by the non-profit Center for American Progress and it really got me thinking. I’ve always had strong feelings about treating our residents as customers. It’s hard to get around the fact that they are customers as they pay to live in housing.  But if the adage “the customer is always…

Economic Mobility

A study on Economic Mobility released by the Pew Charitable Trusts, reports that the majority (84%) of American adults continue to make more money than their parents did after adjusting for inflation. But it may be getting harder to climb to the higher rung(s) and the “rags-to-riches” stories we love to hear about, mostly happen in…

Interesting Data Concerning College Students and Handheld Devices

You live on a different planet if you do not know how addictive digital devices have become, particularly with early adopters who are generally young folks. In the article linked below, you will learn that 67% of the college students in this sample cannot go more than one hour without using some sort of digital…

From Seth Godin’s Blog: Usually, a lot is insufficient

Interesting Seth Godin blog on exceeding expectations. Click Here  I particularly like this: “Marketing isn’t merely bragging. Marketing creates a culture, tells a story, and puts on a show.” What stories can you tell about exceeding expectations with your housing program?

ACE Fellows Program

Not long ago I had the good fortune to participate in the Closing Retreat of the ACE Fellows Program. If you are not familiar with the ACE Fellows Program I encourage you to visit their web site and learn more about this outstanding learning opportunity.  The ACE Fellows Program prepares emerging leaders to serve American colleges…

How I selected my summer housing internship

For aspiring housing professionals, the prospect of choosing a summer internship can be a bit daunting. With hundreds of schools to choose from, you must ask yourself several questions about what you hope your educational outcomes from the internship will be. Reflecting on my own search process, I realized the questions I used to guide…

What We’re Reading Now

The Effect of Housing Wealth on College Choice: Evidence from the Housing Boom Does the equity and appreciation of your home influence your student’s educational choices?  If so, what does the future hold? Fannie Mae: Confidence in Economy and Home Values Increasing It is good to hear some positive news in the real estate market…